the artist
I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I currently live in Tucker, GA. I graduated from Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, OH, earned a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, from Harvard University in Psychology and Social Relations. My doctorate degree is in Clinical Psychology and I am currently an independent consultant in the area of leadership development.
I am primarily self-developed as an artist though benefited from exposure to works at the Cleveland Art Museum while in elementary school, being challenged by my art teacher at WRA, and challenging an art professor at Harvard. My style was developed over the years by studying the works of others and being encouraged by Biblical scriptures to use the gifts God has given us to serve others, and by music and dance. My early drawings were pencil. Though my preferred instrument of choice is a black medium point Bic ball point pen, my wife and daughter have encouraged me to “add a pop of color” to everything. Consequently, you will see that more of my recent works include a hint of color, and some that are full color using either ink or acrylic paint.
I draw mainly from photographs and look to infuse those images with my own sense of energy, intensity, and sensitivity. Because there is a level of subtlety and incompleteness to most of the drawings you should find them drawing you into them. In a few of them there are hidden images. The words you see with many of the images are intended to share what the drawing or paintings mean to me. More important, is what they mean to you.
Each one should use whatever gift he or she has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10, NIV